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Balanced Leadership - Channeling Energy in 2022

June Carmody
By June Carmody

As one of my coaches recently shared with me, ‘Masculine energy built the dance floor, feminine energy is all about the dancing. Let’s get creative’

Organization, structure and routine are imperative to our success as leaders and actually, humans. We need some grounding, foundations and some get up and go when it’s needed. This structure comes in the form of a masculine energy that allows us to move and shake as much as is required to reach our goals on a day to day basis. This means that we are in the position to be creative, feel our best and understand the processes that will get us to where we need to be with our minds clear.

We also need to slow down, choose a pace that’s healthy and recognize that there are intuitive, gentle and calm responses needed.

Balance is important.

During my development, I’ve challenged myself on leadership and worked to understand the leaders around me over the past eight years. I’ve found that knowing the way we manage and interpret energy is a powerful tool in being successful and helping those around us to be successful.

After-all, the most powerful drug for a human is another human being. This, therefore gives us a responsibility to understand ourselves so that we can influence (and help) those around us in a healthy way.

Feminine up, leaders. It’s 2022 and understanding our energy is needed more now than any time before.

Women, females and the opposite sex is not what we are talking about here. Feminine energy and leadership is a way of being that can be applied across all parties and it is something that is embodied by particular behaviors and forms of expression.

Intuition, senses, creativity, nurturing, experiences, a strong sense of being, collaboration and expression are all characteristics of feminine energy.

2022 sees a massive change in human behavior and as such, we are seeing an increase in the rise of the feminine to counteract the struggle, challenges and aftermath of an ever-changing world and global psyche.

Let’s take a look at the why behind this need and how we can work to the root of it?

The last two years have been rather hectic. We’ve seen change, turmoil, heartache, suffering and some more change. It has certainly not been smooth sailing and for sure, there are some aftermath behaviors, thought patterns, upset and even trauma to work with for years to come.

Energies that have been reflective of this time have been control, fear, upset and survival mode. As we haven’t experienced a lot of what’s gone on ever in our lives and societies until this pandemic hit, we’ve been super reactive. We’ve had to learn new ways to cope, new ways to be and our nervous systems had to jump into specific routines in order to get through this time. We needed our masculine focus and structures to get us through and understand the processes of our societies and organizations.

Meanwhile, there has been human disconnect. More people than ever have been behind screens, over-working, burning out and not being with the same amount of people in person as before. This has meant lower immune systems, poorer empathy and a continuation of survival mode.

There is an antidote to consider and for sure, some reflections we can make.

Managing, leading, coaching and in particular, working through change requires a strong balance of masculine and feminine energy:

Here are some ways I suggest this balance happens:

  • Continue with healthy routines that will allow for grounding, structure and knowing what’s what through ups, downs and general day to day. One of my previous managers consistently reminded me of the value of routine in my role and life. A routine means having a schedule, times to be places and knowing what works and what doesn’t in terms of your energy management. Set alarms, have a calendar and say no to what doesn’t serve you or positively affects your time.

  • Know your head and heart values inside out. What do you stand for and how do those values guide your decisions?

    • Your heart values relate to emotion, what you feel from your center and the logical values.

    • Head values are logical and could be described as more grounding.

  • Establish your ‘why’ and ensure you are working towards that ‘why’ in terms of your decisions. Follow a vision, a belief and what lights you up. Be driven by a healthy mindset, knowing yourself and while having structure built in.

  • Use your voice. When you need to speak your truth, speak it. Being honest with yourself and with others around you will mean you can tune in more healthily to your intuition.

  • Ask for honest feedback from those around you. What are you doing well and what can you improve? Approaching from the angle of self-compassion is imperative and will ensure you can approach any behavior change from a healthy mindset. Check out Jordan Peterson in order to understand in more detail, the why behind this and how to focus on your responsibilities in a positive way.

The balance of calm and action, kindness and candor, honesty and boundaries are a strong formula as leaders, team-mates and when influencing those around you.

About the Author

June is a writer, coach and life enthusiast. Her passions are leadership, encouraging healthy environments and spreading positive energy.

To read more of June Carmody's work, check out her blog Sometimes Write Always Me or follower her on Instagram @SometimesWrite.



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