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Dr. Joy F. Green

Turn the mental blocks into building blocks. - Dr. Rooplen

For some reason, we tend to think we are the only ones who struggle with self-doubt. When we notice successful people rocking it in their goals, we assume they do not question their ability to succeed. We think that when someone reaches a certain level of success, they no longer deal with feelings of insecurity. Wrong! It’s 100% normal. YOU’RE NOT ALONE. Many things can cause a person to doubt themselves.

Self-doubt is any thought or belief you have that leaves you lacking confidence in your self-worth, personality, abilities, character, or skillset. You most likely have experienced it in some context or another, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We all have had curveballs thrown at us or have anticipated something that suddenly didn’t go as planned. Of course when we are faced with this, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel dwindles. The question is, are you allowing it to stop you from achieving your goals?

Life will continuously throw hardships our way. These hardships often cause us to consider letting go of our dreams so we can live an "easy" life. But an easy life is not what you want. You think you do, but that’s because you’re tired of struggling, failing, and not reaching the destination you've had in mind all along. Everyone hits this wall sooner or later. The people who figure out a new route are the ones who fulfill their dreams. Your approach or your path may swerve or move in a way that you didn’t anticipate and that’s okay! It’s ok to adjust. The end game or the goal doesn’t change, just the path.

Self-doubt perpetuates the emotion of fear, which stops you dead in your tracks from taking further action. If you find yourself asking “what if” questions, you may be holding yourself back. We can sit and worry about “what ifs,” but this won’t help. When we do this, this is sabotaging ourselves along the way, sometimes in obvious ways and sometimes unconsciously. You can’t live in fear. You must be willing to put yourself out there to get what you want! Yes, it can be daunting but TRUST yourself.

Personally, I never know how things will plan out for me, but I always stay optimistic and have self-belief. I just always hope for the best for myself. Once I have a goal in mind or go after something I truly want, I plan and work hard for it. I never self-reject myself in anything that I do. I’d rather be told no or be rejected from something versus opting myself out first from the unknown. No, I don’t always get everything I go after but I gain feedback/advice that helps me grow as a person, which then I become better for the next opportunity. Sometimes the opportunity I go after may not be for my time right now, and that’s okay. I set that aside and go after it again later. When your confidence is fueled by your belief, anything is possible.

By having doubts and not believing in yourself, you are interfering with your ability to tap into your maximum potential to reach your goals. What goes on in our subconscious mind has an impact on our actions or lack of actions. Think about it. The last time you didn’t believe in yourself what happened? And what actually happened when you decided to believe in yourself? Remember, YOU ARE HUMAN. Your thoughts are just thoughts, they are not a reflection of you and your values. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.

Achieving our goals come down to our habits and actions. Our MINDSET is, in fact, the determiner of our energy and what action we take. Mindset is EVERYTHING! A persistent mind can make it to the finish line because there is nothing that can stop you as long as you have the belief. Believing in ourselves is kind of like the key that turns the ignition and starts the car. We can't really go anywhere without it. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. I know that’s easier said than done but trust me, it will be worth it in the end. So STOP letting your lack of beliefs hold you back! Success is yours for the taking.

If any of the above resonates with you, I highly suggest you question how you can begin forming positive habits to shift your direction.


  • Instead of feeling defeated at the first sign of struggle, shift your perception. Focus on your strengths and get excited about the journey you’ve chosen to embark on.

  • Let go of your inner critic and self-doubt. Use your self-doubt as fuel to your fire! Decide that you WILL achieve your goal. You need to know that you are 100% capable of achieving anything you truly want. Instead of asking yourself “What if this is going to fail and I won’t get anywhere?” Ask yourself, “Should I try doing this instead of what I did before?” Your thoughts should serve you rather than hold you back.

  • When doubt creeps into our heads, think about the reason behind your goal journey. Keep reminding yourself why you are moving forward in the first place.

  • The goals you are setting out to accomplish should align with your purpose and values. Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve and ask yourself, “Is this goal something I truly want?”

Do you want to continue to believe the negative thoughts or do you want to change them?


About the Author

As a Washingtonian, Dr. Joy Green is an author and SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) earning her Doctorate in Strategic Leadership from Liberty University.

From her Doctorate Research Project, she was stimulated to become a goal influencer to encourage and motivate women who are goal achievers but find themselves stuck in cycles along the journey to obtaining their goals. As an influencer, Dr. Joy inspires women to continue to accomplish their goals and to strive for anything they want to achieve regardless of the hurdles that may lie ahead.



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