Woman. People think when you're born, that we are colouring book of clichés, particularly in the shade pink. You are born, and there's this nice, neat wrapped up gift from your sister, in the colour pink. That is only one shade of sisterhood, one shade of suggestion, and one shade of survival for all of us. We are united in all of the colours, no matter the race, gender, sexual orientation, our social status etc. As we grow from baby, to child - we only start to colour in our pictures with memories of green family trees, linking us to connections within our genealogical branches, we add more colour with our blue sky way of thinking in making friends near our homes, in our schools and sometimes we draw outside the lines or our painting is messy but we sure did have fun, didn't we? Then from child, to teenager, it gets a little messier. And that's okay, because the colours are confusing but you're bright, like the selective prisms of choice before you, life is very much about choice. So we use all the colours, to test and try before disposing of the ones we don't like. There's colours for broken hearts, there's colours for arguments with your parents..
..there's make up disasters, make up successes..
the colour of your favourite nail polish..
..the colour of red on your face when your sibling takes something of yours without asking..
the sunshine yellow when summer holidays came and you and your friends laughed the colour off into the world until all the world was covered in each and every one of your colours.
From teenager to adult, we have successfully managed to add colour to our lives, and thanks to this - we have a brand new set of colours that enhances who we truly are as people, making the picture that much easier to colour in. I came into this world as pink, but i know that when I die, I'd very much like to leave this world with colour. Womanhood is the most colourful love I've ever experienced, be brave, be you, be colourful.
About the Author

My name is Fiona Cat, I'm very passionate about writing and empathising with others through words. I love waterfalls and mountains so much, that I hope to see some of the best one day.